Over the course of the next decade, let us renew our beloved Dayananda Sagar Business School. Let us ensure that its faculty, its staff, its programs and its students together constitute a university worth of our student’s love and let us ensure that the intellectual breadth and depth of our Institution is brought to bear on the fundamental challenges of our time.
DSBS has started its journey by climbing the right step at the right time to reach the right destination to achieve excellence in the global management front.

Dr. D. Hemachandra Sagar
Chairman, DSI

Dr. D. Premachandra Sagar
Vice Chairman & CEO, DSI
Vice Chairman
Management education today is not merely acquiring post graduate degrees or diplomas. As organizations tune themselves to the future, they depend upon managers who have a firm grip of the functional realities and possess problem anticipating and solving skills. The right management education institute hones this in the student to a point of fruition. DSBS looks at this demand shift astutely. Here there is a paradigm shift from modernity to cybernetic. The courses in DSBS provide the students an intellectual understanding of the new paradigm and condition them to work in multi - cultural scenarios.
Having gained such a high rating within a short span of time, DSBS has inducted most distinguished faculty who have graduated and worked in premier management institutes in India and abroad.
Dayananda Sagar Institutions is a 60 years old top brand educational conglomerate offering varieties of programs. Dayananda Sagar Business School (DSBS) is relatively young with an innovative approach to grow rapidly into a top research-based B-School in the country. This rapid expansion accompanies an equally sharp rise in excellence in our academic activities. The Institute has recently entered into many partnerships with the best of the institutions/organizations and Industries both nationally and internationally to bring excellence to our academic endeavours. As a PGDM candidate, you are our number one priority and we are committed to providing the opportunities and resources you need to succeed and achieve excellence in your studies and career. During your stay with DSBS you will undergo an array of Professional Enrichment Programs, invited lectures, Conferences, Seminars, Global Immersion, Internships and research publications make your PGDM highly acceptable in the corporate world, peer groups and academic circles across the globe. We are committed to helping you realize your academic and professional dreams.
We sincerely welcome you to the PGDM program to realize your dreams and successful beginning!

Dr. Balagouda S. Patil
Professor & Director
Alumni of IIM-A