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Global Connect: Kevin Moore
Thrilled to share on March 1, 2024, Kevin Moore, Executive Director CISI London, visited Dayananda Sagar Business School (DSBS) for the momentous distribution of Certificates on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for PGDM Batch of 2022-24. DSBS is immensely proud of our dedicated students who have successfully completed the rigorous Skill Based Certification Course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning partnered by CISI London. Through this certification students expand their knowledge and skills by understanding the application of this cutting-edge technologies for future development. Students got hands on knowledge on how AI & ML is transforming industries and reshaping the future. Kevin Moore visit to DSBS, was not just about certificates; it was an opportunity for DSBS to showcase their vision, their growth, share ideas and foster collaborations. Jointly DSBS and CISI plan to build a AI & ML community that thrives on shared knowledge and future research. Sharing a clip from Kevin Moore about his perspective on DSBS and its transformation.
Global Faculty Series: Dr. Ernst von Kimakovitz
Mr. Ernst is the Director of Humanistic Management Center and a senior research fellow at the Institute of Social Ethics (ISE), Lucerne Area, Switzerland. It was indeed a wonderful and resourceful three-day course on the topic “Corporate Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability. We have often come across the word “sustainability” in not just business context, but also in our day to day lives. However, our students understood the true meaning and the purpose behind the rise of this concept, especially in today’s world through this session. The first day in our 3-day long sessions, began with outlining a broad picture of what is going on in today’s world with the rising concerns of climate change, global warming, and so on. In essence, there are 2 main concerns with the world today, firstly the environmental concerns, that includes how we are combating climate change, a connection with the business world and the big word of the town, “sustainability”. Secondly, the distribution issues. Here, our students understand that our planet has enough resources and energy to serve our needs however, we just do not know how to utilize and divide them. From here, Dr. Ernst started building on these two major concepts. Further, students learnt about the five “key drivers”. We often think that having purpose and being passionate would solve most of our problems. However, each one of the two needs a moderator. The former was moderated with legitimacy and the latter with integrity along with another major driver, empathy.
Global Faculty Series: Gary Cokins "Business Analytics and its Intricacies"
Gary Cokins, Founder and CEO Analytics Based Performance Management LLC, North Carolina USA, addressed students of Dayananda Sagar Business School Bangalore- PGDM on ' Business Analytics and its Intricacies". Gary shed light on the intricate world of business analytics, a field that has become indispensable in the realm of management and decision-making. According to him in our data-driven age, the ability to transform raw data into actionable insights is not just an advantage; it's a necessity for any business seeking to thrive in the competitive landscape. He updated students on the methods, technologies, and skills used to analyse business data and derive meaningful patterns and trends

Global Faculty Series: Dr.Ernst van Kimakowitz, "Corporate Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability"
Global Faculty Series: Dr.Ernst van Kimakowitz, ISE-UL, Switzerland As part of our Global Faculty series Ernst von Kimakowitz visited Dayananda Sagar Business School on November 2, 2023 to deliver a course on "Corporate Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability" to our PGDM students. With his first hand information and experience at DSBS he honestly expressed his views about DSBS.
Thanks to Dr.Ernst von Kimakowitz for your honest, sincere and frank opinion about DSBS. Our heartfelt thanks for accepting an invitation to visit DSBS to deliver the course to PGDM students.
Global Faculty Series: Dr. Oumlil Rachid "Technology Management"
As part of our Global Faculty Series On the 9th of October 2023, DSBS was graced by the presence of Dr. Oumlil Rachid. He is a professor in Digital Management and innovation at ENCG-Agadir and an associate professor at the University of The Balearic Islands ACSIC (Spainaz0. He is also the pan Africanist President Founder of the African Research Center for Innovation and Development (ARCID), he has launched several concepts of diaspora.
He did not only enlighten the students with his exceptional teaching but also groomed them for their professional life ahead. The students had a very interactive session , where they could attain great knowledge about various aspects of Technology Management.
The students were left with deep understanding on the concept. We are happy to have been able to conduct session with Dr. Oumlil Rachid. He will be visiting DSBS regularly to teach Technology Management for all the future Batches
Global Faculty Series: Prof. Amlan Bhushan "Public Management, Sustainable Governance and Social Change"
22nd June, 2023 we have conducted a guest lecture as part of Global Faculty Series for PGDM batch (2023-25) students. We were privileged with the presence of our guest Prof. Amlan Bhushan Sir, who has graciously accepted our invitation to share his insights on "Public management, sustainable governance and social change ".
Prof. Bhushan earned his Bachelor of Commerce and Administration majoring in public policy and commercial law from the School of Government, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and then followed up with Masters degrees in Economics and Business from Lund University, Sweden. In 2006, he was nominated for a doctorate of letters honoris causa. Prof. Amlan Bhushan grew up in New Zealand, later trained as a public policy analyst at the School of Government, Wellington, and had early career success advising both the labor minister as well as the Minister for Internal Affairs as a Policy Advisor. His latest book, titled Sustainable Boardrooms Democratizing Governance for Social Inclusion and Growth, by Springer Germany, is a greatly anticipated work.
The session started with discussions about three key elements that the managers need to develop to stay relevant in the world of sustainability and social change. Firstly, to make sure the decisions, actions and intentions related to product and services of an Organisation should have a positive impact on the society. Secondly, the leadership style should match with the complexity for a country like India. It should be impact based. While implementing the services the leader must ensure there is transparency, accountability, and compliance of rules and regulation. Finally, a manager should be culturally educated in a digitalized world with being fresh and alive about the happenings around the world. Not just about the managerial aspects like finance and marketing, but to go beyond the traditional subjects.
Then we gained an understanding about Greenwashing. In Greenwashing organizations make broad sustainability claims without evidence. There are very big companies in the world which practice this. They spend a large amount of time and money to marketing themselves as environmentally friendly company rather than actually doing activities to minimize environmental impacts. Greenwashing is classified as an unfair trade practice by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Corporate Organisations need to have intellect and honesty. We also learnt about Environmental, social and governance (ESG). It is a framework used to assess an organization's business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues. And Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which refers to sustainability strategies businesses employ to ensure that the company is responsible to the society. Further we learnt how organisations in India should make commercially viable and innovative products and services. These organisations also need to generate social wealth and fulfill their responsibility and not just because of compliance.
During the question-and-answer session many great insights came forward. Such as, how there is a war between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, in the future the performance of humans will be measured by machines and how quickly AI responds to solutions for the problems . What should humans do? We must learn to push ourselves beyond the horizons, gain an upper hand while dealing with automation, use AI as an assistance in decision making, and how to create original and new information put our voice. .
At the end Bhushan Sir gave us suggestions on how to invest in ourselves. Such as: continue to enhance our leadership abilities, to identify indicators of resistance to change, to manage people , society and change through policy making, to put ourselves into challenging situations and respond to them rather than being complacent, and to develop power and ability to not just communicate but make sense with comprehensive research and data . Bhushan Sir concluded the session with the quote by Mahatma Ghandhi “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” It was a very informative session with lots of new insights and actionable steps that we will definitely follow. We would like to thank our Director Dr. B. S. Patil Sir and Program Manager Dr. Shekar N Makkalageri Sir for making this session a success.

Global Faculty Series: "Three Investments for Career Success" by Dr. Prashanth H. Southekal, PhD (ESC Lille, France), MBA (Kellogg School of Management), Founder DBP - Institute, Canada.
Dr. Prashanth H. Southekal, PhD, MBA from Kellogg School of Management and founder of DBP-Institute-Canada, delivered a session on "3 Investments for Career Success" to the PGDM students at Dayananda Sagar Business School (DSBS), Bangalore. He shared his experiences on how to invest in oneself in order to develop career goals that will enable students to become a future global leader. He is of the view that improving one's career objectives required investment in oneself through goal setting, information and networking. Dr. Prashanth asserts that by prioritizing self-investment, students might observe a positive impact on their finances, careers, hobbies, and general well-being. A good life and assuring a brighter future depend on valuing time, investing in knowledge and enhancing one's networking horizon. In today’s world information and networking is the power which can be life changing if we properly invest our time into these aspects. We at DSBS heartfully thank Dr. Prashanth for taking his time to visit us and spend quality time with students and faculty to make them understand what world is expecting from them.
Global Immersion Program 2023
DSBS 2nd Year Students successfully completed the Global Immersion Program to Dubai. The one week long visit was focused on learning Global Strategic Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship. Students had an opportunity to Visit- World biggest Apple Inc, Dubai Technology Entrepreneurship Campus, Intel Innovation Centre at Dubai. They gained hands on exposure to various Business Activity at International Trade Task at Mall of Emirates and Global Sellers Task at Global Village Dubai. Finally students made presentation of their assessment to demonstrate their learning and experience during the programme. The assessment was in the form of an interesting submission of a vlog showcasing the work done, pictures, videos, material collected from local businesses, contacts, visits etc. For DSBS PGDM students travel and experience are education in themselves.